Horse Riding

The third branch of the Outreach is taking children horse riding with South Africa Riding for the Disabled (SARDA)

Their vision is to improve the quality of life for children with special needs through the physical, cognitive, social and emotional benefits associated with therapeutic horse riding.The many benefits derived from riding can be described best as follows:

Physical Benefits

The 3 dimensional movement of the horse facilitates a multitude of postural corrections, which improve trunk control, balance and co-ordination. Many of our riders have not had varied movement opportunities to learn dynamic postural control. Normalised muscle tone, balance and co-ordination, improved fitness and cardiovascular function are just some of the benefits that have been observed as a result of teaching horse riding skills

Cognitive and educational function

Many of our riders have not had varied movement opportunities to learn dynamic postural control. Normalised muscle tone, balance and co-ordination, improved fitness and cardiovascular function are just some of the benefits that have been observed as a result of teaching horse riding skills

Social/Emotional/Psychological Function

To be able to ride on a horse means that the individual is doing something many of his/her peers would love to do.

Sensory Integration

Children develop good sensory integration by actively engaging in activities. In addition to the sensory input received from being on the horse is the sensory stimulation received from participating in activities relating to the care of the horse and from being outdoors in the natural environment.

Currently six children from Khethiwe are riding once a month. ( Two groups of three because of transport constraints)

View our other outreach programs

Life-skills Program

Khethiwe is running an outreach  program providing life skills training in the local community

Home Visits

Khethiwe does home visits to the homes of the children in the community.